Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy New Year! - Mommy, Daddy & Baby Sister

Happy New Year!!! This past month Robert and I were suprised when Andrew would sit between us on the couch and would repeatedly say to us "My Mommy, My Daddy....My Baby Sister.....then he would pause and say it again,"My Mommy, My Daddy, My Baby Sister". He has been saying this over and over again and Robert and I would just look at each other in amazement and with a look of surprise wondering where that came from. To our surprise, Andrew continued over the next month saying the same phrase to us like he was trying to tell us something. I had to giggle to myself as I have had it in my spirit to go back to Ukraine to adopt a little girl.

Robert and I have talked about it and prayfully considered adopting a child again from Ukraine. We are excited and happy to announce that we are going forward with our plans to adopt our daughter from Ukraine. We found out from Adoptions From the Heart, our home study agency, that if we update our home study before August of this year that we will only have to pay half the amount of a full home study. WHOO WHOO!!! Doing the HAPPY DANCE!!