Today we moved to another apartment. I guess they had rented this apartment to someone for this upcoming week, therefore, Alla and Sasha came by to help us move and take us to the next one. The new apartment is a little smaller, but is a bit cheaper and has all the amenities as we had in the first apartment(microwave & washer) as well as it has free internet access and we are closer to the SDA and Independence Square. Fancy that. Now we don't have to be jammed into a bathroom size stall to do blog updates and check email, we can have bathroom access with a western style toilet (LOL) close by as I update our blog and catch up on emails.
Sorry we haven't been able to respond to some of your emails, but that is why. Along with having our little wiggly son that is anxiously waiting for me to finish what I'm doing on the computer. Now that we have access to the internet in our apartment it makes it much easier to answer your emails.
I thank God for our families, friends and our Ukrainian Angel families whom all have been so kind and gracious with sharing your support, prayers, wisdom, and experiences. It has help us stay strong and be confident that the Lord will provide and give us the desires of our hearts exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think.
I was reading this morning in Psalms 107 which really ministered unto me. I noticed as I read a few chapters in Psalms that many of the chapters started out Praising and thanking the Lord and telling us to give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercy endureth forever. In Psalms 107 verse 2 it goes on to say that,"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy." The chapter goes on to talk about how when the Isrealites were in the wilderness, in need of food, drink, habitation etc. that WHEN they cried out unto the Lord he provided for them and delivered them out of all of their distresses.(Psalm 107:20) The Lord sent His word and healed them and delivered them from all of their distructions.
I have also have found strength in His word in Mark chapter 11:22-26. Jesus is telling us in verse 22 "To have faith in God".23-"Whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain be thou removed and cast unto the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but BELIEVE those things which he SAYS shall come to pass; he Shall (Not might but SHALL) have whatever he SAYS. 24 Jesus tells us that "What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe you receive them and you shall have them." Then in verse 25 Jesus tells us to forgive anyone that we might have ought against them. If we can't forgive those we have ought against, why should he forgive us of our sins?
I remember Kenneth Hagin Sr. ministering on Mark 11:22-26 which was very powerful. In one of his preachings he talked and revealed that it says in Mark 11:23 that it says to first believe what things in which you SAY and it shall come to pass. In verse 23 Jesus says to SAY (verbally speak to your mountain or obstackle,challenge) and tell it to be removed and cast into the sea. Then he tells us to Not doubt in your heart but BELIEVE those things which he SAYS shall come to pass, then he shall have whatever he SAYS. The verse says the word believe once, where it has the word SAY 3 times in the same scripture. We need to speak forth what we believe which is the answer and result instead of speaking forth our obstacle/problem/
challenge/mountain. Just like back in Psalms 107 it says,"Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO! Therefore, I've been speaking forth and thanking the Lord for our daughter. I've been casting forth the voice of the enemy and I open my ears unto the Spirit of God to hear and be led by him to reveal to us our daughter in Jesus name.
What are your challenges, have you been speaking the problem or the answer lately? Cast your mountain into the sea and believe those things you desire when you pray and you shall have them. Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO!! SAY IT and don't stop SAYING IT until it comes into existance.
We were also blessed and thank God for our church, Victory Christian Fellowship in New Castle, Delaware to be able to listen to the Sunday morning service Live over the internet in our apt today. Thanks Pastor Gary, Pastor Faye and for your sermon today Pastor Gregory. It made us feel right at home.
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