Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Super Andy

Faster than a Speeding Bullet (boy that's for sure), More powerful than a locamotive, Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.......It's a bird, It's a plane......NO, It's SUPER ANDY!!!

This year Andrew wanted to dress up like Superman for Hallelujah night. Our church had a night of children's games, food and candy of course. I was teaching Andrew how to run with his fists held up over his head while he is running to act like Superman. He had so much fun running around the church and playing the games with the other children. That costume was so appropriate for him too since he is always running every where he goes. And boy is he FAST.

At the end of the night when we brought him home we sat down on the couch with him to unwind a bit before we put him to bed. Andrew was so adorable because he took his blankie and put it over his head and asked me, "Where's SUPER ANDY?" Here he was calling himself Super Andy. Oh it was so adorable.....and a SUPER ANDY he is.

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