Monday, April 23, 2007

Andrew the Elephant at Preschool Circus Play

Andrew and the rest of his class were assigned to be elephants in the school Circus Play. The parents had to supply the costume for this play. I figured since the school sent out a memo that the parents had to supply a simple costume I did just that. I had Andrew wear his gray sweatsuit and attached elephant ears I made out of felt to the hood of his sweat jacket and made a tail as well and attached it to the back of his pants. I purchased a soft plastic elephant nose for him to wear which he loved but he ended up wearing it around his mouth instead of is nose.

Robert and I were anxious to see the show and ended up sitting in the second row since we arrived early. The elephants were first to perform and were led out to the circus ring by their teacher. They had to walk around the circus ring one behind the other. Andrew looked so cute and was a little timid and followed the other children just as he practiced. When Andrew spotted Robert and I sitting in the audience taking pictures he busted out into crying. I wasn't sure if he was crying because he might have had an accident (since he was recently toilet trained and might have been nervous) or what. He kept following the other kids walking in the circle as he was crying and then the director of the school brought Andrew to us to calm him down. Andrew immediately wanted to sit on our laps and and was content watching the rest of the show from our laps. In a way it was odd to see him crying and doing what he was supposed to do instead of what he really wanted to do which was to sit with his Mommy and Daddy. I thought about it after the show and am surprised that he didn't just run over to us if that is what he wanted.

All in all it was a very cute and entertaining show. The strongman was hillarious how he had a built in muscles that was a costume he wore. He had his shades on and hammed it up a bunch.

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